papikondalu distance

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papikondalu distance

The distance to Papikondalu depends on your starting point. If you are traveling from Rajahmundry, the distance to Papikondalu is approximately 70 kilometers (43 miles). The journey from Rajahmundry to Papikondalu usually takes around 2 to 3 hours by road. If you are traveling from Bhadrachalam, the distance to Papikondalu is approximately 120 kilometers (75 miles). The road journey from Bhadrachalam to Papikondalu takes approximately 3 to 4 hours. It's important to note that the distance and travel time may vary depending on the route, traffic conditions, and mode of transportation chosen. It is recommended to plan your trip in advance and check for the most up-to-date directions and travel information.

  • in case of power cut/failure only Fans and Lights on Inverter/Generator Provided.
  • Life Jackets during boating will be provided by us and should be worn all the time
  • Follow COVID guidelines, tourists should wear masks
  • Submission of valid government ID proof is a must (Aadhaar, Passport etc)
  • Booking amount is non refundable
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