papikondalu boating price

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papikondalu boating price

The price of Papikondalu boating can vary depending on the type of package, duration of the tour, and the inclusions provided by the tour operator. Here is a general idea of the Papikondalu boating price range: One-Day Papikondalu Tour: The cost of a one-day Papikondalu boating tour typically starts from around INR 1,000 to INR 2,000 per person. This usually includes boat transportation, meals (breakfast and lunch), and basic amenities on board. However, prices may vary based on the quality of the boat, facilities offered, and additional services provided. Two-Day Papikondalu Tour: If you opt for a two-day Papikondalu tour, which includes an overnight stay, the prices can range from INR 2,500 to INR 5,000 per person. This package usually includes accommodation, meals, boat transportation, and activities like campfire, tribal dance, and sightseeing. It's important to note that the prices mentioned above are approximate and can vary based on factors such as the tour operator, season, group size, and any additional activities or services included in the package. It's recommended to check with tour operators or travel agencies for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

  • in case of power cut/failure only Fans and Lights on Inverter/Generator Provided.
  • Life Jackets during boating will be provided by us and should be worn all the time
  • Follow COVID guidelines, tourists should wear masks
  • Submission of valid government ID proof is a must (Aadhaar, Passport etc)
  • Booking amount is non refundable
AP Tourism Resort Booking